Brown Skin Girl; A Talk About Colorism

As a teenage girl I always remembered hearing that dreaded phrase, “You’re pretty for a dark skin girl”. The common compliment clothed in disrespect and shame. Now I know that some meant it as a compliment, but was I supposed to be flattered? In my eyes, it’s just like saying, “You’re Smart to be Black. ” Why couldn’t I just…
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Cheers to 36; Aging Like Fine Wine

I really cant believe I am a year older today; literally this year has went by soooooo fast. But all the while I am grateful for God allowing me to see another blessed and fulfilling year. I can honestly say that I have learned a lot about myself; God putting me in a place to do soul searching. I have…
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Body Goals: Embracing your “Now” Body

Working in the fashion world, I’ve always heard woman say to me when I’m your size I’m going to change my wardrobe. Or the ever famous; if I were your size then I could pull that off. I’ve encountered years of hearing your so tiny and cute and can wear anything. Well the truth is, I cant wear anything. And…
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