I really cant believe I am a year older today; literally this year has went by soooooo fast. But all the while I am grateful for God allowing me to see another blessed and fulfilling year. I can honestly say that I have learned a lot about myself; God putting me in a place to do soul searching. I have also experienced a lot and accomplished some major milestones over the past year. I left a comfortable zone; which was a steady job and paycheck, now subject to one income. I birthed not one, but two businesses, which I am still perfecting. Most importantly, I have gotten closer to God which only means I am closer to where he wants me to be.

So I welcome 36 with even more dreams and motivation than the year before. Im aging like fine wine; and like a good wine, I’ve been crushed, pressed, filtered; resulting in a richness, depth and complexity to share with the world. I’ve been stored up for the right time, for such a time as this. Here are a few of my revelations from the past year.

  1. Just Do It– Nike branded it best, but seriously don’t wait for anyone to approve or give you the go ahead to do something, unless it’s God. Life is too short and procrastination is the number one killer of all dreams.
  2. No Dream is Too Big– Don’t let anyone put their ceiling cap on you. Some people will always instill their fears on you and can’t always see what you can see. Whatever grandiose vision you can dream up, it is possible to happen. All you have to do is put in the work to find out how to make it happen.
  3. Give Yourself GoalsThe bible says write the vision and make it plain. A lot of times we leave ideas in our heads and when we do that, there they remain; just thoughts. Once we write it down it becomes a plan. This is vital in achieving a goal. I’ve accomplished so much I procrastinated on by simply writing it down and giving myself a deadline. Writing down our goals helps bring them to pass.
  4. Put Action behind Your Faith– Dreams will remain dreams unless you put action behind them to bring them to fruition.
  5. Stop Worrying about People Liking/Supporting You- Some of us care too much whether someone likes,approves or supports what we are doing. The more time you spend worrying about those naysayers, the less time you have to fulfill your purpose. The right people who need to benefit from your work or passion will naturally gravitate to you.
  6. Surround Yourself with Likeminded People– They say the measure of your success is who is in your inner circle. Now this is not always an absolute, but I do believe you are the company you keep. I plan to surround myself with people I can learn from or admire or those who can learn from me. If you’re not inputting positivity or adding value to my life than I want no parts.
  7. Take Time for Yourself– It’s okay to be selfish sometimes to take care of yourself. You cannot be efficient if you don’t take time for you to be whole. Your friends, family, etc. will understand.
  8. Some Doors Are Meant to be Closed– Don’t dwell on what could have or should have been. If God closed the door, than he was either prohibiting you from going down the wrong path or preparing you to walk through an even bigger door.
  9. Nourish the Old, Flourish the New – Take time to cherish and spend time with those who are closest to you. Life can sometimes get hected and we take those relationships for granted. Also make time to nourish and flourish new relationships. You never know how that person will impact your life.
  10. 30s are the new 20s. -I never lie about my age and don’t feel like anyone should. I embrace who I am, stretch marks, sags and all. Where some will say you’re getting up there, I say I’m just getting started. I used to feel that if I hadn’t accomplished things by a certain age, that it was too late. Well I’ve accomplished so much in a year of my mid 30s than my 20s (the year i thought it should’ve happened.) So whatever age or stage you are in life; embrace it.

So cheers to 36. I hope you enjoy this short glass of wine I’m serving up; cause I’m only getting better with time!


1 Comment

  1. Sterling Baltimore
    August 8, 2019 / 11:33 am

    The glow up is real!!!! Seriously tho great article one of your best.

    Love you ?


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